Have your say

The LEEP Transition Plan outlines a vision for the future of our city and a pathway to reinvent and invigorate Lithgow’s economy by building on our heritage of industrial innovation , our regional endowments and our economic advantages

Council invites you to review the plan to understand the needs and opportunities the transition presents, and to identify any issues or ideas that may support a stronger approach to the pathway ahead.  Your feedback will inform Council’s implementation approach.

Proposed Vision

proposed vision


Make a submission

The LEEP Transition Plan and a summary version are on public exhibition from Monday 13 June 2023 to Monday 17 July 2023.

Register your attendance

A community information session will be held at the WSU Lithgow Transformation Hub at the corner of Bridge Street and Mort Street, Lithgow commencing 6pm on Thursday 22 June 2023. Please register your attendance by clicking the link below.

We  invite you to consider the following questions:

  • What do you like about the vsiionand pathway for LIthgow in 2030?
  • What would you change?
  • Is there anything missing?
  • Would you like to continue to be involved in the transition? If so how would you like to be involved?


Written submissions should be addressed to:

General Manger
PO Box 19
Lithgow NSW 2790

Or via email to council@lithgow.nsw.gov.au


Submissions must be recieved by Council no later than 4.30 pm on Monday 17 July 2023.